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#42 Sound Scape
- Toine Horvers
'When I write with my fountain pen on a sheet of paper, the friction between the metal of the pen and the surface texture of the paper makes a sound.'
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- Dutch / English
#36 Dolma, The Taste Of Kurdistan
- Francesca Recchia I have been living in Southern Kurdistan or Northern Iraq for more than six months and day after day, week after week I discover the multitude of doors that allow for perceiving the nuances of a different society.
Cooking and tasting food while sharing stories is to me a privileged access point that reveals much more than what it seems to tell.
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- English
#30 20th Century Type Coins
- Marc Ganzglass 20th Century Type Coins is a radio play about two characters hoarding coins. The first - Ephraim, is a scholar, an empiricist and a diligent coin collector. The other character - Mungo, is impetuous, anti-authoritarian and a survivalist. The two characters compare sorting reports and tactics for acquiring coins based on their value as raw material.
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#29 Genusvägrarmanifestet / The Manifesto Of Gender-Refusal / Le Manifeste Anti-Genre
- A. K. Westin This "manifesto", which emerged in its first version six years ago, was initially intended to become an agitatorial sound-piece consisting of ambiguous voices in several languages. It ended up a backdrop and an insistent reminder while I was pondering other less agitatorial pieces relating to gender, gender neutrality and transgression of gender.
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- English / Svenska / Francais
#27 Ma And The Four Dimensional Concept Of Reality In Today's Tokyo
- Ninia SverdrupDuring the last few years, I have in my art been working with the understanding of time in different ways. When I spent a few months in NYC in 2002 it became apparent to me that I often understood time as a part of space. I saw time as a variable of space, and I found it difficult to separate that which has already happened from what is happening in the present. This made me question my linear perception of time.
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#9 Poetry Is What Gets Lost In Translation
- Ylva MazettiAs I, in any situation where emotions are called upon, invariably turn to vocabulary to facilitate and comprehend,
I also understand the arts through words. Every visual question, statement and sensation needs to pass through
this internal transformer...in order for me to place it in the correct category in the winding tunnels of my
comprehension to store for further interpretation.
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