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#37 The Publicly Private And The Privately Public
- Adriana Seserin The current existing terminologies connected to urban space to me seems limiting in terms of understanding urban space. This has to do with the dichotomy public – private and its lack of ability to describe the complexity in society today. […] To be able to discuss and describe urban life it’s therefore necessary to find terms that is in between the public and the private.
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#28 New Territories In Acre And Why They Matter: Notes On Hope And "The Game" Of Coexistence
- Marjetica Potrc The Croa River community consists of approximately four hundred families spread out across eighty thousand hectares of Amazonian forest. They aspire to see the land they inhabit become an extraction reserve, and in fact, it is in the process of becoming precisely this: one of the new territories in Acre. As such, it is a good example of the current trend toward territorialization in the Brazilian state. It is also a good example of what territories stand for: self-organization, sustainable growth, and local knowledge.
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#19 Love, Pain And Self-Erection
- Marcus Steinweg The subject is distinguished from the non-subject by the minimum of freedom to be itself, i.e. it has the freedom to defend its self in view of real unfreedom. A human being cannot be reduced to its status as mere object. It knows, as Carl Schmitt says, "not only birth," the facticity of its having been cast, "but also the possibility of a rebirth," which, as Hölderlin says in The Course of Life, is "the freedom to set out whither he will".[1] There is therefore only one obligation for the human subject: to be free in view of its freedom.
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#12 Labyrinth
- Peeter LauritsI am a thoroughly urban person, having grown up in Tallinn, and later living in Riga, St Petersburg and New York.
Nevertheless, on St John's Day in 1996 I found myself on the balcony in Kütiorg, reading Nietszche's 'Ecce Homo', realizing that cities as such has nothing more to offer me.
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#11 Drifting Through Incomplete Renovation
- What is to be done/CHTO DELAT?If you look at a map of Petersburg, you will immediately see that Narvskaya Zastava is an isolated zone,
surrounded by a ring of factories, railroad tracks and shipyards. Before the revolution, it was part of the city's
proletarian outskirts, an historical hotbed of dissent. The historical decision to begin the October Revolution was
made here.
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