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#37 The Publicly Private And The Privately Public
- Adriana Seserin The current existing terminologies connected to urban space to me seems limiting in terms of understanding urban space. This has to do with the dichotomy public – private and its lack of ability to describe the complexity in society today. […] To be able to discuss and describe urban life it’s therefore necessary to find terms that is in between the public and the private.
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#36 Dolma, The Taste Of Kurdistan
- Francesca Recchia I have been living in Southern Kurdistan or Northern Iraq for more than six months and day after day, week after week I discover the multitude of doors that allow for perceiving the nuances of a different society.
Cooking and tasting food while sharing stories is to me a privileged access point that reveals much more than what it seems to tell.
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- Mairead Case Once I asked my parents for a dictionary. I wanted the boxed kind, navy with a magnifying glass. But Dad doesn't get gratification deferral in that way, so instead I got the kind with two volumes, six columns inside. According to it, desire is both a longing and an absence. It's sexual. And desiree is a kind of potato, pink-skinned with yellow waxy flesh.
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#7 Through The Home Tunnel
- Veronica Brovall I live in the house during the construction of the sculpture. I cut myself on bamboo sticks, bump into the large
spades that poke out of the tunnels. They dig, hollow out the house to make a new existence in it. I have nowhere
to sit - the chairs have either knives or bamboo fastened to them - the refrigerator is covered with staples.
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#6 This I Know About Home
- Jan Verwoert
This I have come to know about home
since I began to think that I want home
to be like this
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