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#29 Genusvägrarmanifestet / The Manifesto Of Gender-Refusal / Le Manifeste Anti-Genre
- A. K. Westin This "manifesto", which emerged in its first version six years ago, was initially intended to become an agitatorial sound-piece consisting of ambiguous voices in several languages. It ended up a backdrop and an insistent reminder while I was pondering other less agitatorial pieces relating to gender, gender neutrality and transgression of gender.
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- English / Svenska / Francais
#14 Yet Another Artist With A Project
- Katja Aglert17.09.2000. The Red Light District in Amsterdam is 700 years old and at a distance looks rather charming,
with all the red lamps, cobblestones and picturesque bridges. Unaccustomed as I am to the area, I study the
surroundings and watch how others act and move. Several people window-shop.
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- English
#1 "I Have Never Seen A Girl Wearing a Muslim Headscarf on Television Without It Being About The Scarf..."
- A conversation with Rikke Andreassen by Ellen NymanI am at an art exhibition in Germany, watching an educational fi lm on how to use a condom for protection against
AIDS. The film is from South Africa. One of the women at the lesson giggles and smiles shyly, as she pulls a
condom over a wooden phallus. Her friends are in stitches and the situation exudes lust and
powerlessness. I am watching the film, surrounded by happy German art lovers. But they are no longer looking at
the film. They are looking at me with well-meaning expressions on their faces.
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- English
- Dansk