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#39 Urban Narratives
      A round table discussion with Meira Ahmemulic, Antonio Scarponi and Elin Wikström.
      Adapted to text by Katja Aglert, Martijn van Berkum and Janna Holmstedt
#36 Dolma, The Taste Of Kurdistan
      - Francesca Recchia
#30 20th Century Type Coins
      - Marc Ganzglass
#25 A Parallel Script To The Film: The Dream Of A Book
      - Beata Berggren
#14 Yet Another Artist With A Project
      - Katja Aglert
#3 Crystal Palace
      - Camilla Bergqvist
#1 "I Have Never Seen A Girl Wearing a Muslim Headscarf on Television Without It Being About The Scarf..."
      - A conversation with Rikke Andreassen by Ellen Nyman