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#48 Technology Of The Voice
- Johan Landgren
Let us step inside the recording studio. Here, the identity we call pop singer is produced. It is this dream factory which makes the voice you hear on the radio something completely other than just a human being singing.
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#46 The Boy
- Meira Ahmemulic
They had cut the umbilical cord, cleaned him, weighed and measured him.
His parents had held him.
- He looks so alive, said his mother.
- The child should be crying, said his father.
Testing was done on the little body and they gave contradictory results. His heart stood still, while it grew. His body did not respond to any treatment, still his growth was normal.
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#36 Dolma, The Taste Of Kurdistan
- Francesca Recchia I have been living in Southern Kurdistan or Northern Iraq for more than six months and day after day, week after week I discover the multitude of doors that allow for perceiving the nuances of a different society.
Cooking and tasting food while sharing stories is to me a privileged access point that reveals much more than what it seems to tell.
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#33 Behind The White Door
- Imri Sandström
That's it. That. That
sensation of being
fucked. Penetrated.
The fact that it's so
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#26 Obligatory Passage Point
- Collaboration between Linus Elmes, Linda Soneryd, Jens Soneryd,
Milo Lavén, Elin Strand, Tove Lamm Stråhle,
Jo Rideout and Per Nyström.
Point out a compass course and make an investigation. Make it a game. Investigate the relation between you as a citizen and the resistance of the city, when you are walking a straight line, following a pre-defined compass course. Investigate what obstacles your body will meet: the air friction; other bodies; ditches you are forced to go down into and up again as they pass your way.
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#18 The Main Character Of The Scene
- Katja Aglert and Janna HolmstedtThe common octopus, Octopus Vulgaris, can often be seen hung out to dry in the harbour of Antiparos, Greece. Low season, high tide - this is where the Swedes go for vacation, the common Swede. These two kinds of vulgaris are brought together in Greek cuisine; on the small island of Antiparos octopus is served at every tavern. We will stay here for a week, enough time to try all the vegetarian dishes on the menus twice and hopefully also enough time to find a living octopus.
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#10 The Heroes Of Absolute Zero
- Janna Holmstedt The first days of the experiment had been uncomfortable, claustrophobic. Imagined sounds caused him to react
as if someone was just outside - knocking, steps, distant conversations. But they were only sound memories. The
only thing that there was to listen to in fact was the murmuring of his own blood circulation.
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