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#50 Knowing You, Knowing Me: An Appendix for Why We Cannot Speak.
- Barrie James Sutcliffe
Nothing is more common in ordinary experience than for information to lose its potential for activity.
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- English
#48 Technology Of The Voice
- Johan Landgren
Let us step inside the recording studio. Here, the identity we call pop singer is produced. It is this dream factory which makes the voice you hear on the radio something completely other than just a human being singing.
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- Svenska
#45 OPERATION: Sagan om den Stora Datan - Akt I
- Anna Lundh
In the center of the large wall behind the desk hangs a plastic sleeve with a book inside. Judging by its colors and ornate typography, the book is evidently quite a few years old. On its cover is emblazoned an obsolete sounding title: Sagan om den Stora Datamaskinen (Eng: The Saga of the Big Computer machine. A vision by Olof Johannesson).
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- Svenska
#42 Sound Scape
- Toine Horvers
'When I write with my fountain pen on a sheet of paper, the friction between the metal of the pen and the surface texture of the paper makes a sound.'
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- Dutch / English
#33 Behind The White Door
- Imri Sandström
That's it. That. That
sensation of being
fucked. Penetrated.
The fact that it's so
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- English
#29 Genusvägrarmanifestet / The Manifesto Of Gender-Refusal / Le Manifeste Anti-Genre
- A. K. Westin This "manifesto", which emerged in its first version six years ago, was initially intended to become an agitatorial sound-piece consisting of ambiguous voices in several languages. It ended up a backdrop and an insistent reminder while I was pondering other less agitatorial pieces relating to gender, gender neutrality and transgression of gender.
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- English / Svenska / Francais
#9 Poetry Is What Gets Lost In Translation
- Ylva MazettiAs I, in any situation where emotions are called upon, invariably turn to vocabulary to facilitate and comprehend,
I also understand the arts through words. Every visual question, statement and sensation needs to pass through
this internal transformer...in order for me to place it in the correct category in the winding tunnels of my
comprehension to store for further interpretation.
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- English
#8 Untitled [In Progress]
- A.S.Bessa
Notes for a book dispersed around the world
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- English