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#46 The Boy
- Meira Ahmemulic
They had cut the umbilical cord, cleaned him, weighed and measured him.
His parents had held him.
- He looks so alive, said his mother.
- The child should be crying, said his father.
Testing was done on the little body and they gave contradictory results. His heart stood still, while it grew. His body did not respond to any treatment, still his growth was normal.
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#33 Behind The White Door
- Imri Sandström
That's it. That. That
sensation of being
fucked. Penetrated.
The fact that it's so
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#23 Theme, again.
- Fredric Gunve
Part 2 of “All Talk, No Action” (see below).
To handle and act within art today is to choose between “with us”, or “against us”!! And we all know that "against us" is not really an option. There is no such thing as "against us", we are all onboard from the get go and possibly all the way to the end.
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#22 All Talk, No Action.
- Fredric Gunve What is the difference between practicing and preaching, and what does it have to do with themes?
– My name is Fredrik Gunve and I work as an artist. I’ve had several exhibitions,
performances, situation based happenings, installations, teaching projects, texts, and I have often been asked:
– What themes do you work with??
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#19 Love, Pain And Self-Erection
- Marcus Steinweg The subject is distinguished from the non-subject by the minimum of freedom to be itself, i.e. it has the freedom to defend its self in view of real unfreedom. A human being cannot be reduced to its status as mere object. It knows, as Carl Schmitt says, "not only birth," the facticity of its having been cast, "but also the possibility of a rebirth," which, as Hölderlin says in The Course of Life, is "the freedom to set out whither he will".[1] There is therefore only one obligation for the human subject: to be free in view of its freedom.
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#16 Coca-Cola Holy Water
- Paula von SethA local Zambian dance performance with African masks in variations of black and white. The children sob and roar. Their expressions of fear and their screams in a foreign language sink deep down inside me. Why the masks seem to terrify them so, I cannot understand. It is a game, but still and all, it isn't. The black children I usually play with glance at us.
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#10 The Heroes Of Absolute Zero
- Janna Holmstedt The first days of the experiment had been uncomfortable, claustrophobic. Imagined sounds caused him to react
as if someone was just outside - knocking, steps, distant conversations. But they were only sound memories. The
only thing that there was to listen to in fact was the murmuring of his own blood circulation.
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#4 For The Love Of Foucault
- Marcus SteinwegWhy Michel Foucault? Because philosophy in Foucault's sense is a PERSONAL EXPERIENCE, an act of solitude.
The solitude of the subject of philosophical experience has nothing to do with pathetic or narcissistic, depressive
self-enclosure. The solitude of the philosophical subject is an act of resistance. The subject resists the easiness of
mere opinion. It opens itself to new experiences, the EXPERIENCE OF THE NEW SELF.
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