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#33 Behind The White Door
- Imri Sandström
That's it. That. That
sensation of being
fucked. Penetrated.
The fact that it's so
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#27 Ma Och Den Fyrdimensionella Verklighetsuppfattningen I Dagens Tokyo
- Ninia Sverdrup
Jag har de senaste åren på ett eller annat sätt arbetat kring uppfattningen av tid i min konst. Under en vistelse i New York (tre månader 2002) blev det tydligt för mig att jag ofta upplevde tiden som en del av platsen. Jag såg tiden som en variabel av platsen, och jag upplevde det som att det under min vistelse i New York var svårt att skilja på det som händer och det som har hänt.
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#26 Obligatory Passage Point
- Collaboration between Linus Elmes, Linda Soneryd, Jens Soneryd,
Milo Lavén, Elin Strand, Tove Lamm Stråhle,
Jo Rideout and Per Nyström.
Point out a compass course and make an investigation. Make it a game. Investigate the relation between you as a citizen and the resistance of the city, when you are walking a straight line, following a pre-defined compass course. Investigate what obstacles your body will meet: the air friction; other bodies; ditches you are forced to go down into and up again as they pass your way.
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#21 Excerpts From Bridge Over Deep Ditch, Poems Written In Ubud Nov 05 - Jan 06
- Torbjörn Säfve
Near old master Gusti Nyoman Lempad´s house
Gusti´s Pizza Delivery
So contrary to western art:
no vacant space, no omits
in physical meaning
but a vast surface for dreams
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#10 The Heroes Of Absolute Zero
- Janna Holmstedt
The first days of the experiment had been uncomfortable, claustrophobic. Imagined sounds caused him to react
as if someone was just outside - knocking, steps, distant conversations. But they were only sound memories. The
only thing that there was to listen to in fact was the murmuring of his own blood circulation.
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#3 Crystal Palace
- Camilla Bergqvist A strong dazzling sun from a cloudless blue sky. Glass facades emerge in the sunlight. A house of glass looms into
view. A panning and presentation of a city constructed entirely of glass: Crystal Palace.
[...] we wish everyone a good morning. Today in room 101 we'll be showing a film on the legendary mountain, Mt.
Everest, which according to our sources reaches around 8848 m. At the same time, in room 314, the classical
costume drama, Room with a view, will be screened. For children, there will be a visit by a clown.
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#2 The Story As Seen From A Moving Viewpoint
- Yukie Kamiya
As a result of fi lmic expression that has benefi ted from technological advances, the fusion of íthe visualí and íthe
narrativeí is now resulting in unprecedented forms of expression. What kinds of stories are being told by artists
who have acquired the medium of 'the moving image?' How are these stories being told? The focus of this essay
will be on storytelling in the medium of the moving image, which has seen a rapid growth since the mid-nineties.
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