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#49 OPERATION: Sagan om den Stora Datan - Akt II
- Anna Lundh
Crossing Water Street and turning right on to Front Street, walking along the back side of the 27 storey building, entering the open loading dock. Inside the garage; a security guard in uniform on his stool, a tv-monitor on his table. Behind a metal door; a temporary particle board maze, which leads to an elevator. A ride up, the door opens at number 10. A florescent light is flickering and humming. I continue through the corridor, in to my detective office.
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#39 Urban Narratives
A round table discussion with Meira Ahmemulic, Antonio Scarponi and Elin Wikström.
Adapted to text by Katja Aglert, Martijn van Berkum and Janna Holmstedt
In the context of SQUID, we found out in 2008 that urban and narrative were the most common search words, or themes, used in the SQUID archive. The varieties in approaching, investigating, or tip-toeing around these themes are as many as the number of contributions. Nevertheless, we thought it was an interesting thread we had stumbled upon and felt compelled to follow up and decided to do this under the theme of Urban Narrative.
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- Antonio Scarponi 00_ Fiat Lux. Narrative in-forms realities. It gives them a form. So that these can be recognised, narrated, historicized, represented. Narrative stands for any form of representation. The urban condition is a tangible reality that takes form with narrative, here understood as any kind of representation, visual or not.
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#37 The Publicly Private And The Privately Public
- Adriana Seserin The current existing terminologies connected to urban space to me seems limiting in terms of understanding urban space. This has to do with the dichotomy public – private and its lack of ability to describe the complexity in society today. […] To be able to discuss and describe urban life it’s therefore necessary to find terms that is in between the public and the private.
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#30 20th Century Type Coins
- Marc Ganzglass 20th Century Type Coins is a radio play about two characters hoarding coins. The first - Ephraim, is a scholar, an empiricist and a diligent coin collector. The other character - Mungo, is impetuous, anti-authoritarian and a survivalist. The two characters compare sorting reports and tactics for acquiring coins based on their value as raw material.
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#27 Ma And The Four Dimensional Concept Of Reality In Today's Tokyo
- Ninia SverdrupDuring the last few years, I have in my art been working with the understanding of time in different ways. When I spent a few months in NYC in 2002 it became apparent to me that I often understood time as a part of space. I saw time as a variable of space, and I found it difficult to separate that which has already happened from what is happening in the present. This made me question my linear perception of time.
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#26 Obligatory Passage Point
- Collaboration between Linus Elmes, Linda Soneryd, Jens Soneryd,
Milo Lavén, Elin Strand, Tove Lamm Stråhle,
Jo Rideout and Per Nyström.
Point out a compass course and make an investigation. Make it a game. Investigate the relation between you as a citizen and the resistance of the city, when you are walking a straight line, following a pre-defined compass course. Investigate what obstacles your body will meet: the air friction; other bodies; ditches you are forced to go down into and up again as they pass your way.
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#17 Lost Homing Pigeons
- Melissa Dubbin & Aaron S. Davidson On Sept. 11 2002 a group of 80 pigeons, posing as white doves evoking peace, were released in the New York City
area. It was a tribute that went quickly awry as a fundamental misunderstanding became apparent. These pigeons
from a poultry market, originally destined for soup, were confused with homing pigeons- resilient birds that after
release are able to navigate to homes up to 600 miles away.
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#15 Reflections Of A Percussionist
- Thomas Wingren In New York's Latin quarters, "El Barrio", in east Harlem and in the Bronx, music is developed under the best
possible conditions. Here the Afro-Cuban rhythms meet American jazz harmonies. It's no accident that New
York is an important hub of new innovative music. To call oneself a drummer in this environment without any
knowledge of clave would be a joke.
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#11 Drifting Through Incomplete Renovation
- What is to be done/CHTO DELAT?If you look at a map of Petersburg, you will immediately see that Narvskaya Zastava is an isolated zone,
surrounded by a ring of factories, railroad tracks and shipyards. Before the revolution, it was part of the city's
proletarian outskirts, an historical hotbed of dissent. The historical decision to begin the October Revolution was
made here.
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#8 Untitled [In Progress]
- A.S.Bessa
Notes for a book dispersed around the world
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#7 Through The Home Tunnel
- Veronica Brovall I live in the house during the construction of the sculpture. I cut myself on bamboo sticks, bump into the large
spades that poke out of the tunnels. They dig, hollow out the house to make a new existence in it. I have nowhere
to sit - the chairs have either knives or bamboo fastened to them - the refrigerator is covered with staples.
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