Contributions 51 - 60
Contributions 41 - 50
Contributions 31 - 40
Contributions 21 - 30
   Contributions 11 - 20
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Online archive

At the contribution pages you can find an archive of all the texts written for SQUID. The texts are chronologically ordered; they can be downloaded as pdf and some of them as mp3 file. These pages are updated continuously with new contributions, so please come back to check for updates.

Click the title to open/close a short excerpt:
#20 Dear Tom
      - Michael Blum
#19 Love, Pain And Self-Erection
      - Marcus Steinweg
#18 The Main Character Of The Scene
      - Katja Aglert and Janna Holmstedt
#17 Lost Homing Pigeons
      - Melissa Dubbin & Aaron S. Davidson
#16 Coca-Cola Holy Water
      - Paula von Seth
#15 Reflections Of A Percussionist
      - Thomas Wingren
#14 Yet Another Artist With A Project
      - Katja Aglert
#13 How I Became An Artist
      - Saskia Holmkvist
#12 Labyrinth
      - Peeter Laurits
#11 Drifting Through Incomplete Renovation
      - Chto Delat/What is to be done?